Professional Service

Referee for Manuscripts

The American Naturalist, Biodiversity and Conservation, Functional Ecology, Herpetologica, Hydrobiologia, Ichthyology and Herpetology, Journal of Wildlife Management, PeerJ, and Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Societal Memberships

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, American Society of Naturalists, British Herpetological Society, Herpetologists League, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Society of Systematic Biologists, Virginia Herpetological Society

Broader Impacts

• Helped to found the Natural History Collections Club (NHCC) at Virginia Tech in 2017. Coordinated various museum events for the NHCC and the Virginia Tech chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS), the Virginia Tech Science Festival, local 4-H groups, and preschoolers from the Virginia Tech Child Development Center for Learning and Research.

• Taught wildlife field techniques and natural history to high-schoolers as part of the Philadelphia ZooCREW’s summer field course at Mountain Lake Biological Station, 2017-2018.

• Acted as the web developer and guest speaker chair for the Fish and Wildlife department’s Graduate Student Assembly (FIWGSA) at Virginia Tech (2016-2019)

• Reviewed proposals for the Society of Systematic Biologists graduate student research awards (2019)

• I write essays for a general audience, ranging in topics from evolutionary theory to the future of higher education. Check them out here!