animal welfare

Image credit: Bob Nichols

Broiler chickens are typically housed in relatively barren conditions at high stocking densities, contributing to low activity levels and limited expression of natural behaviours.

We conducted experimental trials and observational studies to discern the influence of rearing environment on chicken behaviour.

We found that environmental complexity and reduced stocking density can promote positive behavioural outcomes and reduce anxiety levels of individual birds, but the magnitude of these benefits depends on the particular strain of broiler chicken being raised.

Our results can be used to design rearing environments to improve animal welfare and develop best practices for poultry farming.

Publications and Talks

Jacobs, L. B. Paneru, G. C. Brooks, A. K. Downing, J. F. Munsell, J. H. Fike, and G. Pent. Fast-growing broiler chickens range more in a silvopasture than a grass pasture. in prep

Ulans, A., G. C. Brooks, and L. Jacobs. 2024. Environmental complexity impacts anxiety in broiler chickens depending on genetic strain and body weight. Scientific Reports 14:17535. link

L. Evans, G. C. Brooks, M. G. Anderson, A. M. Campbell, and L. Jacobs. 2023. Environmental complexity and reduced stocking density promote positive behavioural outcomes in broiler chickens. Animals 13:2074. link

Ulans, A., G. C. Brooks, and L. Jacobs. 2023. Anxiety in broiler chickens is affected by strain, body weight, and environmental complexity. The 56th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Tallin, Estonia.